

This is a problem with which I find myself confronted from time to time! So easy to preach and say ‘this is the right thing to do’, ‘this is how it should be’ etc etc but often without even being aware of it at first, I find myself doing the opposite and the fact is that this is not the first blog I have written with the same title.

What is it that I ‘preach’ about and fail to do? Basic things like not eating between meals, making time for meditation or prayer, not raising one’s voice to others and not attempting to win someone over to your way of thinking ie appreciate everyone else’s opinion, not talking about others behind their back, greeting everyone with a smile which makes them feel better etc etc.

But then, another saying I use a lot comes into my mind, ‘be gentle on one’s self, accept one’s shortcoming and don’t knock one’s self over the head.’

Perhaps the most basic tenet is to be totally honest with ourselves as to how we feel about our actions and those of others towards us and accept what happens knowing that if we do not like the way we acted we can always change it next time.

PONDER POINTS: my thoughts upon reading this were….my feelings upon reading this are ….



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.