

‘Our duty each of us is to mind our own business. This is the most difficult thing that humans find to do. We always want to interfere. We do it meaning to help, there is a lovely something in us that always wants to help. We always want to poke our little fingers into pies.

Oh, the difficulty of keeping those little fingers together, pointing upwards to God! Hands joined together …the two hands, so significant as centres of power! What do they contain? They contain, first of all, the power to bless, the power to heal, the power to soothe the weary brow, the power to give. But they must not be given the power to meddle.

Shall we try? and when tempted to meddle (how the fingers like to itch to get at something or somebody!), remember: first, hands together, spine erect, head raised. Pray to your Father God that His will may be done — not your will. Let us try to not put other people right.’ (White Eagle — Chakras Auras Subtle Bodies)

On reading the above I could not stop smiling. And it has shut me up! I do not feel it appropriate to make any comment on the writing. I feel it is enough to to share the thoughts of White Eagle.

PONDER POINTS: What I feel on reading the above is ….my thoughts on reading the above are …The parts I think are appropriate to me are ….



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.