As today is yet another new beginning = the Winter Solstice on the 21st December also symbolically being a time for change, for saying goodbye to the old and for new beginnings — I thought I would try to alter the format of my Point of Power Is Now Blog on this, the first day of the New Year.
I am thinking I will split it into sections, those Sections being;
SECTION ONE — Thought for today / SECTION TWO -Walking Through The World Harmlessly/SECTION THREE — Has My Speech Been Impeccable? - honest, true to how I’m feeling, not motivated by fear or anger or the wish to get my own way? SECTION FOUR — Have I been aware of the fact that Energy equals Mass and that in reality there is no duality only wholeness and that we are all a part of God? SECTION FIVE — My energy is embodied in the Chakras so from which Chakra have I been operating? — Section 6 — Meditation for the day.
1 JANUARY 2019 —THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. What is it realistically that I would like to have achieved by the end of the year in the area of work and of fulfilling long standing dreams?