1 November 2018 — Life Is What You Make It So Make It Good
This is a saying which was constantly said to me by someone who is no longer around. A saying which made me cringe and feel angry as I didn’t really view life as ‘being good’ or, I suppose really value it or want to live to a grand old age which is what it seems I might do.
However, I believe that our souls have made life choices for us and that we can’t die before the time our souls have decreed and if I am here stuck in a body then the best decision I can make is to make life good whatever it is that entails. And a large part of ‘making it good’ is, of course, to accept all that happens knowing that on the soul level it is our choice.
I can’t really see that ‘making it good’ means having money, going on exotic holidays or acquiring material goods. I won’t make it now but I’m sure there is an argument to be made that having money doesn’t always make life good, especially in the sense of bringing true inner peace which is what acceptance of all that happens, brings.
And, acceptance of ALL THAT HAPPENS includes the acceptance of loved ones who are much younger than us and whom by the natural law of things we did not expect to die before us, dying. Because we split off from our right brain hemispheres, which I call our soul minds, we have absolutely no idea of the choices we have made and we identify ourselves with our thoughts and the form of our bodies and forget that we are what I call ‘formless energy’ connected to All That Is in Einstein’s terms E=M squared by the speed of light.