10 December 2019 =Angst — Anxiety — State of Mind
Today I’ve met people who have admitted suffering from anxiety and also one person who obviously was very anxious but chose to project their anxiety on to me by asking if the person I was with was bothering me and how I was going to get home.
When we are anxious about what might happen we are, of course, not being in the moment, and the Point of Power is most definitely NOT ours. The saying goes ‘The past has gone, the future is yet to come, all we have is the present moment’.
When anxiety rules our mind, we are, of course, living in fear. We also feel powerless because we are choosing to forget that our thoughts create our reality — we create in our lives that which we think.
When in this state of mind I would suggest that it helps to ask ourselves ‘For what we need to forgive ourselves?’. And if we are able to feel our feelings in our Solar Plexus area hence quietening the rational chattering mind, we will understand intuitively what the pay off is for seeing ourselves as powerless, let go of the worry and attain inner peace.
PONDER POINTS- What is the pay off for creating a problem? Why do I choose to worry? How can I balance both brain hemispheres so that the rational left hemisphere brain doesn’t react to our feeling peaceful and feels that it needs to create a problem?