10 May 2020 — You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings
I’ve just been listening to Bette Midler singing the above song. On the surface the sentiments seem warm and really lovely and quite wonderful. AND YET, on examination I am not so sure how positive they are.
I say this as the second anniversary of the death of someone who was ‘the WIND BENEATH MY WINGS’ approaches. Of course, we love and expect the people who are close to us to be there for us with advice and support in times of need. We all need friends, people we can depend upon when we go through difficult times. BUT HOW WISE IS IT TO GIVE AWAY OUR AUTONOMY TO ANOTHER AND ABDICATE OUR ABILITY TO SEE OURSELVES THROUGH LIFE’S CHALLENGES?
To seek advice from another is sensible and helpful BUT to give away our autonomy and depend on another always being there for us, I think has its pitfalls.