I fervently believe that we DO CREATE OUR OWN REALITY through our thoughts and our feelings. And, as many of my readers will be aware I believe that ENERGY IS KING or as a feminist QUEEN!
Our FEELINGS, of which we are often not aware as we tend NOT to feel them in our Solar Plexus area, transform into THOUGHTS and our rational mind runs away with itself.
Many authors and therapists see Positive Thinking as the key to making one’s life pleasant and happy by bringing our wishes to fruition.
And positive thinking IS A POSITIVE ploy. However, CREATING A REALITY which brings us contentment depends, I feel, on how we use our energy generally through our feelings, thoughts and deeds.
Too many of us carry around our conditioning and our conscious minds — (consciously OR unconsciously) see ourselves as being the person others expected us to be; wished we were OR as simply failing to live up to others’ expectations of us.
Our sense of self worth then becomes low and the reality we create is perhaps one where consciously or subconsciously we are trying to BE THAT PERSON others wanted us to be.
OUR ENERGY then is used in a way which has been dictated by others and the REALITY WE CREATE is one which is OUT OF TUNE with who we TRULY AND INNATELY ARE.
INNER PEACE is MOST DEFINITELY NOT OURS in these circumstances. It is important therefore to be OUR OWN PERSON. And before we can be our own person, we do , of course, need to find out who we TRULY ARE. Developing the habit pattern of awareness of our feelings in the Solar Plexus area (that part of our bodies where it feels the bottom has fallen out when we receive shock news) will certainly help us discover our true HEARTFELT feelings and be more aware of what we like and love irrespective of others’ opinions which in essence says more about the person giving us their opinion than it does US.
And when we learn to ‘love ourselves warts and all’ the energy we give out to others is one of peace, joy and love.
PONDER POINTS: On reading this I felt ….what I feel about the state fact that I create my own reality is …. I tend to blame other people for the way I am when ….and the people I blame are …. Sometimes I feel I am trying to live up to others expectations of me when … and the people whose expectations I try to live up to are ….