10 September 2020 — New Day — New Beginnings
My mind, however, is still attached to yesterday. In order to start anew it is often necessary to forgive and forget those tedious little things which the mind enjoys clinging on to. As well, of course, to realise that our chattering rational ego minds prevent us from knowing inner peace and embracing all.
I went on a long walk this morning and felt I was able to stay centred, being aware of the thoughts entering into my mind and allowing them to rise and fall thereby experiencing peace and calmness.
I eventually visited a cafe with outside tables by the river, and was enjoying the view whilst I read and wrote, until someone sat down beside me and started talking. I felt very resentful and annoyed feeling that I had been coming to an understanding through the reading and writing. AND THEN I experienced an intuitive flash. Once again I was creating a mental state whereby I was preventing myself from feeling inner peace!
AND SO, I simply let go of my irritation and of my desire to be left to my own devices and welcomed the presence of the person who wished to talk and ended up really enjoying the conversation and feeling good about it.
SO, I have welcomed the NEW DAY and am allowing myself to be open to whatever it brings!