11 August 2020 — THERE AND BACK AGAIN
In Bristol one very short dead end lane is called There and Back Again Lane. This morning I have been to Southmead Hospital and am now back again. THERE AND BACK AGAIN.
LIFE IS LIKE THAT- THERE AND BACK and sometimes running around in circles before we get back to SQUARE ONE.
SO WHAT HAVE I LEARNT IN GOING FORTH AND BACK AGAIN THIS MORNING? has it been a waste of time emotionally?
WHEN WE SEEM TO HAVE BEEN RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES what causes us to stop? Usually a sense of having taken on some new understanding
Emotionally I am aware that I am feeling GOOD because of the many cheerful and happy people I met ‘there and back’ this morning. The taxi drivers were friendly and told us a little bit abut themselves and we met a patient sitting outside enjoying the sun who had been in hospital for a while but seemed and happy and cheerful refusing to let her illness drag her down.
I wnt THERE wishing I could better cope with the heat. I came back INSPIRED by the people I me tand feeling good abut the conversations we shared.