11 February 2022 — PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE?
SO, where have we been living today? In the moment? Aware of what is happening as we act or think?
In the past- reflecting on what has been and either regretting it or wishing to reconstruct it?
Or in the future thinking abut what we wish to happen? A ‘hoping and a wishing as it were!
Einstein's quote seems appropriate here: ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand’.
There is, however, a difference between imagining what the future could and might hold, in a detached way, AND BETWEEN being attached to how we want it to be — ie a hoping and a wishing!! which takes us away from the present moment.
And, what we often forget is that our THOUGHTS IN THE MOMENT CREATE OUR REALITY IN THE FUTURE and what we are wishing for right now might not truly be how we wish the future to pan out.
PONDER POINTS: on reading this my thoughts were ….. how I feel about the above writing is ….. I would say I live in the present because ….but I am aware of having lived in the past when …. and in the future when ….