There are times when our life seems to be flowing and everything in it seems auspicious and then what are we often tempted to do? Create problems because everything seems too good to be true. Or perhaps in these times when so may people are losing their businesses , becoming ill and dying we feel a sense of guilt.
We can have compassion, empathy and sympathy for others and do our best to serve and help those less well off than ourselves without denying our good fortune in the moment. Perhaps we need reminding of the biblical saying ‘Love thee one another as thee love thyself.’
AND another fact to keep in mind is that everything changes and that all we have at any one moment is THE PRESENT.
‘If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present’. (Lao Tzu)
AND should we feel we do not deserve the best in life hence causing ourselves anxiety, perhaps we are living in the future so let us learn to accept and enjoy the feeling that all is auspicious — favoured by fortune.