It is only just 10am but already I am wound up tight in a ball from feeling frustrated and annoyed that nothing seems to be going my way. I certainly need to ‘cool it’ and to take a deep breath.
Why do we allow little things to get at us so much? There must be some kind of a pay-off for so doing and for seeing ourselves as out of control/inadequate and allowing ourselves to become tense and upset. My being wound up this morning has, on the surface anyway, nothing to do with not wanting to take responsibility and with wanting to blame others, but everything to do with wanting to get things over with and wanting to hide. And it seems that it is the same old story — fear of going forward in life, of achieving what has seemed unachievable, or been seen as beyond our capability.
So back to PATIENCE IS ALL THE STRENGTH WE NEED — and as PATIENCE embodies love and acceptance this is encouraging us to be contented with all we encounter in our lives knowing that at the right time, in the right place, in the right way — all will work out as it is meant to.