12 August 2020 = BEING OR DOING?

Yet another very hot day in Bristol. Yesterday it was just as hot and in order to please a friend I found myself walking a very long way in the heat which I found extremely uncomfortable. SO, as hot as it was yesterday I found myself ‘DOING’.

TODAY, so far I have been able simply TO BE. I went out early and enjoyed walking around by the river, having a coffee and BEING in the sense that I allowed myself to be a part of everything by embracing the scenery and the people whom I passed thereby eliminating the NEED to ‘DO’ in the sense of pouring in energy merely to get by.

I was, however, very aware of the mind wishing to create DUALITY in the sense of ME coping with the HEAT and therefore of DOING instead of merely accepting that we were experiencing another beautiful sunny day.

When one finds one’s self stuck in town in this weather and unable to be by the sea or in the countryside, there is a danger that the mind will be consumed with ‘doing’ in the sense of ‘wishing and a hoping’ and perhaps even resenting the fact that one finds one’s self stuck in town in this lovely weather in which case we are allowing our negative thoughts to CLOUD OVER OUR INNER SUN.

I now have the choice to stay in for the rest of the day thereby avoiding going out in the sun OR to go out and learn to adapt to the heat and CHOOSE TO WELCOME AND ENJOY IT.

PONDER POINTS: my reaction to the heat is …… it is making work difficult but the way in which I can adjust to working in the heat is by… I am able to enjoy the hot weather by …

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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