12 December 2020 — DOING versus BEING

How often do we say ‘I’ve done nothing today — I’VE JUST WASTED IT’. As with everything I FEEL IT IS A CASE OF FINDING A BALANCE, AS IT IS ALSO A CASE OF MAINTAING INNER PEACE. And sometimes when we have made a list of what we needed to do and at the end of the day find ourselves with nothing ticked off of our list, we start beating ourselves over the head.

‘Time waste is Life waste’ Sri Sathya Sai BABA.

However I feel that to what this saying may be referring is indeed the time we spend believing that WE are indeed OUR MINDS AND OUR BODIES — OUR EGO SELVES — rather than spending time discovering what it is which brings us inner peace so that we are able to ‘BE’ rather than do. The first step in this process, is of course, to still our ‘chattering monkey’ minds through being aware when we are mentally going over and over something in our minds. this, is sometimes achievable through taking deep breaths and seeing ourselves breathing GOD IN AND LOVE OUT. or by remembering our favourite piece of music. Or by either being out in nature or recalling our favourite spot to be when we are out in nature.

When we are able to JUST BE; by staying with the feelings in the SOLAR PLEXUS area then whatever we do is done with love and acceptance minus the wish to hurry up and get it over with.


Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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