The sub title to this blog is MEMORY LOSS because today I awoke thinking how memory loss is often treated as something which won’t get better — only worse and the individual suffering memory loss is often resigned to the ‘trash heap’ as it were.
People suffering from any other illness including cancer are rallied around with encouragement that they will get better.
WHY I ask myself is this?
It seems to me to be in the ‘collective unconscious’ that memory loss is the first step along the path to Alzheimer's disease. I feel people react to memory loss in others from a deep seated fear that it will happen to them too as they grow older.
BUT memory loss need not be permanent or disastrous (Alzheimer's) if it is viewed from a temporary condition from which one can recover. And don’t we all suffer from forgetting things, like when we go upstairs and can’t remember what we went up for until we come down again!!
PONDER POINTS: my feelngs on reading this are… my thoughts on reading this are ….