12 March 2022 -LOVE — Non romantic love
LOVE is EGOLESS. I am beginning to consider whether we can only TRULY LOVE another when we desire nothing in return for that LOVE such as expecting to be liked or loved back. It is usually very easy to love or like people who return the feeling towards us but TRUE LOVE embraces ALL.
We all have the capacity to LOVE in this way within us BUT WE ARE NOT ALL IN TOUCH WITH IT. Too often when we love someone we have expectations of how they will treat us.
I am NOT of course talking about unrequited love where one chooses to desire — be in love — with somebody knowing that that person has no feelings at all for them, That I believe is a different matter and perhaps comes under the title of romantic love — being in love with love!!
PONDER POINTS: my thoughts on reading the above are…on reading the above I felt….I remember experiencing unrequited love when….. what I feel about it being a choice is ….