This is a saying I remember using in the long ago past without any knowledge of it being a Billy Ocean song which I’ve just discovered through Google. We have only two alternatives when things DO get tough: to complain, moan, whine and feel sorry for ourselves or to ‘pull ourselves up by our bootstraps’ .
By ‘Pulling Ourselves Up By Our Bootstraps’ we reclaim our Point of Power. However, we need to ACCEPT that on a Soul Level we have chosen the situation and ask ourselves ‘WHY HAVE I CHOSEN THIS — WHAT DO I NEED TO LEARN?’. In the last six months I have been to two funerals for people younger than I am, and tonight I am going to a Memorial Celebration for someone who died very young. I have certainly experienced anger at one of the people for dying and guilt for being still alive.
However, I have now come to see the fact that I am still alive as a gift and to knuckle under, as it were, and remember that WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH THE TOUGH GET GOING.