How hard it can be sometimes to love one’s fellow man/woman!
Today when there are so many homeless people begging on the streets so many people walk straight by and ignore the people asking for money, whilst others stop, acknowledge them and give them money however small an amount. And some stop and talk even if they have no change to give.
It must be quite hurtful when people walk by and simply ignore the person begging on the side of the street. What seems to unite the people who acknowledge and give to homeless people is the fact that they are only too aware that ‘homelessness’ could happen to each and everyone of us —” but for the Grace of God go I.”
And, the question I ask myself is ‘what does it truly cost to acknowledge a person who is homeless’ or, in less polite terms a beggar? I think that perhaps the people who do not acknowledge them do not do so because they don’t wish to recognise the fact that it could happen to them. Before one is able to love one’s fellow man/woman it is of course necessary to be able to love one’s self warts and all!