13 January 2021 = SUCCESS
During the last few days I have been talking on the telephone to a very dear friend whom I have known since childhood. On a materialistic level she has everything I haven’t. Her choices in life have been very different from mine. Her family are a conventionally successful part of the establishment whereas mine are not. my family had no desire to be and I didn’t especially desire it for them or specifically encourage them to be so.
My criterion for a good life is happiness, contentedness. joy and love. This desire does not of course eschew being successful and holding a privileged position in society but it doesn’t have those factors at the top of its list.
Years and years ago when I was often depressed and unhappy I came across a book on Buddhist Meditation which ‘saved my life’ in the sense that it taught me how to find inner peace and acceptance. This I categorise as BEING SUCCESSFUL
Another important factor in being at peace is to not compare, criticise or judge. The key to inner peace, success etc is TAKING PLEASURE in others GOOD FORTUNE and not begrudge them their happiness by allowing the Monkey Chattering Mind to indulge in jealous and resentful thoughts. To be happy for others when they are contented and happy with their achievements without wanting what they have or judging them to be more successful than us is a sign of high self esteem as well as inner contentment.
I believe also that our Souls have chosen a path for us and brings towards us circumstances which we need to experience and learn from.