

What kind of people do this and why?

Having, at one time, had someone put me on a pedestal only eventually to kick me off it, got me to wondering about this, as today I happened to see this person in the distance.

I did not enjoy being put on a pedestal as I could see absolutely no reason for it and i was always too aware that one day I would be pushed off AND what a relief it was when that day came!

I have often wondered what the need is which is lacking in the people who do put others on pedestals. Are we back to the matter of low self esteem? Does it make them feel important or good about themselves? I have also been wondering whether I have ever put anyone on a pedestal but I don’t think I have. I have, of course, from time to time misjudged people in that sometimes I have discovered that a friend or acquaintance was capable of behaviour which I wouldn’t have expected of them, but, being disappointed in people is, I believe, quite different from putting them on a pedestal and pushing them off when it suits.

We need to ‘love ourselves and others WARTS and ALL, and, of course, (the old adage) ACCEPT ALL AS WE FIND, INCLUDING OURSELVES. Indeed perhaps we need to remember that as human beings FEW OF US ARE PERFECT.



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.