13 September 2018 — Up and Down, Down and Up
The saying goes that when you are down at the bottom there is only one way to go AND THAT IS UP. Another saying is ‘that life’s a roller coaster.
Today I feel low, very very low, whether I am at the bottom’ I don’t know but it doesn’t quite feel that way compared to past times. I am able to resist feeling sorry for myself so am not entirely sunk in doom and gloom and I am able to laugh at myself but life does seem to be one big struggle at this very moment. And I feel exhausted mainly from being in pain and I feel totally frustrated as I am unable to intuitively discover WHY I HAVE CHOSEN THIS. On top of this I have had a grandchild say to me ’Why have you chosen to break the bone in your neck and what do you have to learn from it’. What goes around certainly comes around!!
The Point of Power is most certainly NOT mine at the moment but the choice is mine as whether to reclaim THE POINT OF POWER IN THE MOMENT AND I DO HAVE THE ABILITY TO CLIMB UP INTO THE REALM OF ACCEPTANCE AND JOY IN BEING ALIVE AND TO TAKE LIFE AS IT COMES — so out the window goes the ‘poor me’ stance and in comes the awareness that I am capable of intuitively discovering WHY I have chosen to break the bone in my neck, and of discovering WHAT I need to learn.
So … WHEN YOU ARE DOWN THE ONLY WAY IS UP and that is the path I will choose to follow simply by counting my blessings; knowing that life is what one makes it, and by snapping out of the ‘poor me’ mode and by refusing to wallow in self pity.