13 September 2020 — Edge God Out —( Ego)

I am unable to credit this saying as I can’t remember where I came across it.

It is a saying which appeals to me because I interpret it to mean that by ‘edging God out’ it is referring to the Wise Part of us which is the God within us.

Why is it that we allow our ego mind to take us away from THE POINT OF POWER IN EACH MOMENT through worry, desire, resentment, anger etc? I very strongly believe that we have ALL WISDOM, ALL KNOWLEDGE within us and that when the ego mind is stilled we intuitively know that we are a part of ALL THAT IS — GOD.

I find it helps when the ego mind is running away with itself and ‘EDGING GOD OUT’ to mentally remind ourselves that we do have the answers to all our problems deep within us even if at that particular moment in time, we are not in touch with that knowledge. And, if we are able to hold a conversation between our Wise Side and our Ego Side as to what it is our ego minds are avoiding facing and listen to the answers from our Wise Sides, hopefully we will find some peace within ourselves.

According to Einstein’s famous formula — E equal MASS squared by the Speed of Light — ALL IS ENERGY and when we are putting much energy into our thoughts and denying our intuitive knowing we are denying ourselves inner peace.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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