14 December 2018 — KINDNESS
Being kind is something which costs us nothing and and when others are kind to us, it can lighten up our day. So already having been (it is not yet 10am) the recipient of kindnesses from others I am resolved that I will think kindly on everything and speak and act kindly no matter what the provocation.
It is, I believe, hard for those of us whose self esteem is low to act with kindness to others when we believe that we do not deserve kindness ourselves. We can end up with this self view when the messages we received from our parents, teachers, other children etc lead us to believe that we simply are NOT GOOD ENOUGH. When we find ourselves caught in this impasse then perhaps remembering these words from the Buddha may help- DO NOT DWELL IN THE PAST, DO NOT DREAM OF THE FUTURE, CONCENTRATE THE MIND ON THE PRESENT MOMENT.
PONDER POINTS — What is the mind refusing to let go of? How have I acted in ways which I feel is beneath and in which I feel I had not indulged?