14 February 2022 — HAPPY ST VALENTINE’S DAY
‘It is believed that St Valentine’s Day has its origin in ancient Rome, when the feast of Lupercalia was celebrated from 13 to 15 February. A goat and a dog were sacrificed by men on these days and women were whipped with the hides of the sacrificed animals as it was believed that this will make them fertile’.
I found the above on Google, of course, but it didn’t credit its origins.
Whilst many look forward to and enjoy the day, there are many for whom the day can be difficult if not in a relationship or still mourning a breakup. But, whether, in a relationship or not the experience of the day may bring up regrets and sadness if it does not live up to the expectations we had of it.
We can, however, all celebrate the day in our own way through showing love and kindness by giving to others. In my local store is a trolley where people are invited to place items in order to help feed the homeless and I thought that today I would do a shop just for the trolley,
St Valentine’s Day can be extended to love and kindness. It doesn’t have to be centred on romantic love alone.
Best wishes and a happy St Valentine’s Day to those in romantic relationships, AND the same to those of us who are not.
PONDER POINTS: On reading the above I felt …. my thoughts on reading the above are ….. St Valentine’s Day is a day I can really enjoy this year because….St Valentine's day brings up sadness in me because …