In situations in which we feel uncomfortable we sometimes ‘straggle’ behind trying not to be a part of the situation but in other situations we ‘struggle’ to be a part and to be noticed. However, we strengthen our determination and sense of who we are by looking inwards and making the decision as to whether being a part of the situation is what our wise side desires and by being aware of the consequences of either being a part of the situation, or not being a part.
This blog is asking us to reflect upon whether we are entirely happy with what is happening in our lives at the moment — whether or not the situations of which we are a part bring us joy, contentment and satisfaction or merely give us a sense of ‘keeping up’ with others and doing what is expected of us.
In other words it is asking how authentic our actions and our lives are. and how contented we feel to be embracing the situations we have created. OR, are we indeed, merely intent on proving ourselves to others and impressing them. At the end of the day what others think of us does not matter. What matters of course is what WE think and that we feel good about ourselves. SO, if we find ourselves ‘straggling behind’ because we do not wish to follow where others are leading, or ‘struggling’ to keep up with others because we seek their approval, we need to strengthen our sense of who we are, what we truly want and TO OUR OWN SELVES BE TRUE.
PONDER POINTS: TO ONE’S OWN SELF BE TRUE — I think I am true to my own self when….…I fear that very often I am not true to my own self because ….I feel I try to impress others when …..