
14 October 2021 — GRINNING AND BEARING IT — (The release of feeling frustrated through communally expressing exasperation.)

Today I stood in a long queue at the chemist with many others who all had a tale to tell of their prescription being lost and this being the second or third time they had queued at the chemist.

However, people seemed relaxed and happy and were expressing their exasperation through making jokes about Covid19 etc and although I had to wait a long time I actually enjoyed waiting!

I came away smiling and chuckling at the things which had been said and I certainly DID NOT feel frustrated at finding it so difficult to obtain my prescription.

It seems that people generally have learnt to live with all the problems that Covid has brought AND the problems of Brexit and the lack of haulage drivers. They have accepted the status quo.

It seems that sometimes when the population generally has to go through abnormal situations which bring hardships peoples’ natural instincts are to shrug their shoulders and get on with it instinctively knowing that grumbling and complaining won’t achieve anything other than to make them feel even worse.

PONDER POINTS: How I felt on reading the above was….the times I have felt exasperated with the present conditions due to the virus have been when ….Things in the past which I have had to grin and bear have been ….



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.