WHY do we feel the need to judge; to comment to ourselves instead of accepting others and ourselves and seeing the positive in all?
I don’t know the answer to this question, but judging one’s self and others is a way of giving our power away. To ‘judge’ is to fix attachment on a subject and colour the object thereby preventing ourselves from seeing the truth.
Once again, it is a sign that we feel uncomfortable admitting the truth to ourselves and ironically feel more comfortable with manufacturing a reality which fits in with our concept of how we want to see ourselves and the world.
Inner peace, I feel, is not attainable when we adopt this habit pattern and on one level that is what we all seek in our hearts although our rational minds prefer to chatter away, analyse and judge.
PONDER POINTS: my thoughts on reading this were … my feelings are ….I find myself judging others when… I find myself criticising myself when ….