15 January 2020 —Attempting To Impose One’s Standards On Others

This subject has been occupying my mind today as I realised on reflection that that was just what I had been doing in a conversation I had with a friend this morning. This set me thinking as to when, if at all, one was justified in doing this.

Personally I feel that perhaps it is justifiable to attempt to do this when the other’s actions affect one’s self. as in shared housing. At least I feel it is far better to make one’s opinion known rather to suffer in silence or moan to friends about the situation.

However, I feel that if the problem with the other’s behaviour arises merely because we have a different point of view or belief system from them, then perhaps we are NOT justified in imposing our standards on others.

Perhaps the question we need to ask ourselves is what lies behind our need to do so?

Thinking we know best? That our way of seeing and doing things is the best? Does their behaviour really affect us greatly?

Are we tempted to change the other through the arrogance of thinking our ways are best?

Do we truly believe the other’s behaviour is detrimental to themselves and that by trying to insist they do it ‘our way’ we are saving them from themselves? If this is the case perhaps we should consider the saying ‘one learns from one’s mistakes’.

Of course on a societal level there are the two strands of:

a democratic society where everyone has a say even if they are not always heard: And and an authoritarian society. where the many are ruled by the few.

Greta Thunberg the young Swedish activist comes into mind. I admire her intensely for standing up for what she believes in but I believe she is a case in point, as she is certainly attempting to impose her standards on everyone. And perhaps ‘’THE CASE IN POINT” is NOT that we might have a better society if she succeeded but rather the question ‘WHY ISN’T THAT SOCIETY ALREADY IN EXISTENCE’.

I believe it is people’s hearts that need changing and I do not believe one changes people’s hearts by imposing one’s ideas and opinions on them. What Greta IS achieving, however, is to bring the situation of a possible impending climate catastrophe to everyone’s attention whether or not she creates any real changes through her actions.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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