
15 June 2021 — LOVE IS IN THE AIR

Another sunny and unusually hot day in England. People lucky enough to be by the sea or in the countryside are presumably able to adapt to and enjoy the heat and LOVE it being so hot.

Many people in town however, I find are like me, finding it difficult to adjust to it being so hot mainly because we are not used to it and our bodies take time to adjust and in work places and indoors generally the air conditioning is not always as efficient as it could be.

But whilst our bodies are adjusting the sun seems to raise our spirits and we are able to laugh at ourselves struggling to cope. Moreover, the sun outside connects to the SUN inside and if it was previously ‘raining in our hearts’ the SUN has gone some way to drying up the rain allowing us to sparkle with joy.

And, so far, I haven’t heard anyone grumble about the gardens needing rain. Perhaps everyone has a hose pipe!! I have heard a few mutterings about it Global Warning, however!!.



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.