Today I am waiting for a trade’s man to call and have been given a four hour window in which to expect his visit. It’s a lovely sunny day and I could soak up the sun in the garden, catch up on my correspondence, read, meditate, just chill, etc etc.
But instead I have been moaning and groaning to myself and anyone who would listen that I might be stuck in waiting for four hours. I have allowed myself to be totally negative about the visit rather than mentally seeing the tradesman arrive earlier rather than later. And I have mentally focused on the fact that my freedom to do as I choose — go out, stay in etc — will be curtailed.
So, WHY have I allowed negativity to take over? When we choose to worry and look on the black side instead of ‘seeing’ the best as happening it is usually through the wish to avoid. Sometimes we feel reluctant to admit that all is well in our lives; or, there is something we have been meaning to do but have been putting off for whatever reason.
However, through this writing I have realised that for me the need to moan, groan and grumble has been based on what I view as a lack of freedom to do my own thing. Staying in for four hours would be fine by me if I felt it was my choice to do so instead of feeling I had no choice in the matter.
THERE’S NOTHING RIGHT OR WRONG BUT THINKING MAKES IT SO. However, FEELING precedes THINKING. It follows, therefore, that when our thoughts are on the negative side, we are NOT in touch with our feelings. Once are aware of HOW we are FEELING, then we will discover where our thoughts stem from and we will then have a choice whether or not to take our thoughts — POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE — on board or simply to allow the feelings to rise and fall until they change.
When we are able to accept what is happening in our lives, knowing that on some level we have attracted it and not see ourselves as hard done by, we choose inner peace over and above feeling disgruntled by something in our lives which we would rather was not happening.