15 September 2023 — MOVE ON!
A van have just gone by the window with ‘move on’ written on its side. And ‘moving on’ is something we don’ t generally do enough of, I fear.
Anybody living in the past? Allowing the mind to go over and over things which happened days previously. How many of us are actually able to shrug our shoulders and tell ourselves ‘ah so’ — ‘it’s happened for the good or not so good — time to accept it has happened and to move on”.
I suggest that generally not only do we find this difficult. but that ‘moving on’ leaves us open and vulnerable as we leave behind the old and embrace the new. We prefer to feel solid or stolid — knowing that CHANGE is just around the corner.
PONDER POINTS: the last time it seemed like ’moving on’ was when … ……we remember clinging to the past when ……