

Only one answer to that one? For peace of mind we need to forgive and forget, live in the moment and let the past go which, of course, is not always easy. However, the only person we harm when we do hold grudges is our self. And, indeed, what use does holding a grudge — continuing to be angry towards someone — serve?

This morning I caused myself a lot of hassle by putting myself out big time for someone in order to do what they asked of me only to find that when I reached the appropriate place the person was not there. And the help they had needed so urgently from me, they no longer needed.

This situation left me with the choice to feel angry and put upon or to shrug my shoulders and say ‘oh well, these things happen’.

I did allow anger to operate for a few minutes and I have resolved not to be at this person’s beck and call as I think we do owe it to ourselves not to let people take advantage of our good nature BUT I have accepted the situation as LIFE WORKING ITSELF OUT — ie KARMA.

And, of course, as time passes the negative feelings do fade if they are NOT being fed through anger and when we allow ourselves to be open to LIFE then we allow situations which we can embrace with our hearts to enter!

PONDER POINTS: Upon reading the above I felt ….. I can remember holding a grudge when ….. people I find it easy to forgive are …. The people I feel I sometimes take advantage of are …… The people whom I feel sometimes take advantage of me are ….I never use people and never allow them to use me because ….



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.