16 September 2020 — What Energy Has Prevailed In Me Today

As far as the morning is concerned VERY ‘BAD’ ENERGY — indeed VERY ANGRY ENERGY.

When I look back to this morning from now, the evening, I feel a little upset with myself for becoming so upset over the fact that someone had dumped paper and cardboard in the dustbin and this meant that I needed to spend quite some time sorting out the materials which were recyclable . The recycling boxes had already been emptied so this means that our box is already filled up.

As a friend remarked ‘no big deal’, certainly not a matter of life and death and yet I wasted ENERGY and caused myself much distress. It was not until much later in the afternoon when a customer with a lot of shopping asked if I would like to go in front of her as I only had two items, that I felt good and happy again.

The Energy which was causing me so much distress was of course, mental energy and the mind’s habitual patterning of criticising, judging and comparing with what I thought ‘ought’ or’ought not’ to have been.

EQUANIMITY, INNER PEACE and ACCEPTANCE were totally lacking.

I find that a lot of my energy goes into deciding how other people should behave. Every day I cross a certain bridge many times. The bridge is divided into two lanes one to go up and one to go down depending of course from which side one is entering it. There is a big sign which reads CYCLISTS DISMOUNT but it seems that most of them can’t read as they ride their bikes across interweaving from side to side depending on where the pedestrians are. This certainly sets my mind off ranting and raving and sometimes ask a cyclist if he or she is unable to read.

BUT REALLY IT IS NOT MY BUSINESS as long as they do not bump into me. I am not their keeper and why would I wish to waste my energy becoming angry at them. And, if I put myself in their place as a cyclist which I was at one time, why waste energy having to get off the bike if they are not harming anyone.

Einstein’s equation ‘Energy equals Mass squared by the Speed of Light’ certainly must apply here in some way. The cyclists energy could perhaps be linked to the ‘speed of light’ whilst my energy is merely Mass!

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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