Well I’m afraid my score out of 10 on the above qualities is A BIG FAT ZERO. Once again, the saying PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH comes to mind. The POINT OF POWER has definitely NOT been mine so far today.

I was sitting quietly reading and writing at an outside café when a gentleman asked if I minded if he sat by me. Granted all the benches had people on them but some of them only had one person as did mine — ME!

I did actually mind very much but of course said that it was OK for him to sit down. Although it was obvious I was deeply into my own thing he insisted on talking. He led the conversation although he did include me in it from time to time by asking me questions. He stayed for quite a while before apologising that he really must go. I hid my sigh of relief from him!!

On reflection I realise that I was feeling irritable all the time he was there, desperately wishing he would go. This, of course, has now made me reflect on my attitude and ask myself WHY? Why did I find it so hard to give to him? Why was I so selfish in only being concerned about my wants and needs? Why was I unable to be patient and tolerant and give to him by putting his needs before mine?

We never know what someone else is going through and this gentleman certainly needed to talk, to have company for a little while. The fact that he chose me could indicate something positive about me in the sense that it was my energy that drew him to me.

One other thing that struck me on reflection was the fact that one of my precepts (from the Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba) is to TO SERVE OTHERS. I spend much time wondering how I can do this BUT more often than not it is myself who chooses to help someone.

IN THIS INSTANCE SOMEONE CHOSE ME TO HELP THEM and I am not proud of how I responded!!

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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