

In order to get through the present situation with the Coronavirus affecting us all I feel we need to be RESOURCEFUL and RESILIENT as well as being able to REDEEM ourselves from feelings of blame and inadequacy if we view ourselves as not coping that well.

Once again I feel it is a question of THE POINT OF POWER BEING IN THE MOMENT as we cope with the situation in EACH MOMENT by accepting the situation in which we find ourselves.

What I personally find hard is NOT being able to go into a cafe and read and write with my cup of coffee. I find staying in very very difficult and am certainly most grateful that we are allowed outside to exercise.

There are many times at present when I am not ‘in the present moment’ but am in the future longing, wishing and hoping for the lockdown to end.



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.