At the moment the reality I am creating for myself is one of feeling tired — of having no energy.
Is not ‘tiredness’ something we ‘do’ to ourselves through our minds telling us we have no energy — perhaps because we have been working really hard or not sleeping well, etc etc. In this way we reinforce the concept of duality.
WE CHOOSE TO BE TIRED. So what is the PAY OFF for this choice?
To stop ourselves moving forward perhaps? Putting off what in our hearts we feel we must do but are fearful about doing it because it involves CHANGE.
At the moment, I seem to be making very negative choices thus creating problems for myself. I certainly do need to balance both brain hemispheres by seeing my thoughts as ‘butterflies’ moving down into my solar plexus area and feeling the feelings in that area and lie back in the arms of the Universe, i.e. accepting that whatever happens will, when looking back upon it from some future spot, prove to have been for the best.
I do not need to feel tired — I can choose to energise myself in the moment by thinking of all I have to be grateful for and by accepting that I can be proud of the reality I have created in my life so far!
I will end with an Einstein quote other than E equal MC squared!
‘Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.’ (5th May 2014)
PONDER POINTS: My feelings on reading the above were…my thoughts on reading the above are ….. the reality I feel I create for myself is …the reality I would like to create for myself is…