18 March 2021 — I AM I SAID
For some reason the Neil Diamond song ‘I Am I Said’ has been in my head today = I’m not sure why.
‘I Am.. I said to no=one there and no-one heard not even the chair’.
One of the verses reads ‘But I got an emptiness deep inside/And I’ve tried but it won’t let me go/And I’m not a man who likes to swear/ But I never cared/For the sound of being alone.’
From time to time we all experience ‘an emptiness deep inside’. These are the times when the ‘Point of Power’ is most certainly NOT ours and the feeling of needing other people around us becomes very strong.
WHY do we feel the need for other people? Is it so they can reflect back to us WHO we are? Is it because we have tired of identifying ourselves with our thoughts ‘telling’ us who we are and why we are important?
In my experience all of us do have times of enjoying being on our own and it is then we can reclaim the POINT OF POWER AS OURS knowing that we just are and knowing who we are or in Neil Diamond’s words = I AM I SAID — and we do not need anyone to hear not even the chair!!!