18 November 2020 — LOVE
Today I feel I may have come some way to expressing LOVE and to understanding what it actually is. Today I bumped in to an acquaintance whom I invariably try to avoid because we share opposite ‘world views’ and he tends to tell me the same thing time and again . We talked and upon leaving him I felt warm towards him and for the first time felt I understood where he was coming from, More to the point I didn’t get upset with him or feel the need to foist my way of viewing the world on to him so I refrained from using my counter arguments to his world view.
‘Love is in the air everywhere I look around, Love is in the air every sight and every sound — love is in the air in the whisper of the tree — love is in the air in the thunder of the sea; (John Paul Young)
Coincidentally, the above verse highlights some of the differences between this acquaintance and myself because he invariably passes me when I’m hugging my favourite tree which he views as a very crazy thing to be doing. This verse, I feel, is expressing the meaning of Einstein’s formula E=MC squared by speed of light.