18 October 2022 — HOW ARE YOU?
How are you? A question we ask and get asked when meeting acquaintances. A polite but somewhat rhetorical question where we are expected to say ‘fine’.
In those cases where the person goes into detail about how awful they are feeling we are often taken aback. It took me a long time when younger to realise the expected etiquette and I would regale others with my problems.
These days I am very much into the philosophy of healing one’s self if possible on the understanding that we choose our own illnesses through our minds — through the energy we put into thinking about how we feel.
Perhaps it is a little simplistic but I believe that if we see ourselves as being well then often our bodies do respond. I am aware that some people always answer ‘well’ however they are feeling and hopefully their positive attitude results in their truly being well.
PONDER POINTS: on reading this I felt …my thoughts on reading this are …when asked how I am my response generally is ….how I feel about people who regale others with their problems are …