‘You GAIN strength, courage and confidence by every EXPERIENCE in which you really stop to look FEAR in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. (Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady)

This quote was taken from the book’ Believe And Achieve -A Collection of Inspirational Thoughts and Images’ published by Parragon.

Another very inspirational quote: ‘LOOK FEAR IN THE FACE’ . And, like the other inspirational quotes I have used in my blogs ‘easier said than done!’. It requires that we do not allow the rational ‘Monkey Mind’ to chatter away and present us with all the difficulties which could occur if we went ahead and acted, but that we simply allow ourselves to feel our feelings in the Solar plexus area, watch them rise and fall and carry out the action in question.

Looking ‘fear in the face’ — acting with Strength, Courage and Confidence will in time become habitual once we start practicing this advice.

PONDER POINTS: when reading the above I felt ….my thoughts on reading the above are …. in the past I feel I have acted with courage when ….the ways in which I have gained confidence in the past are by … I would say i am a strong person not easily influenced by others because …..

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.