19 February 2021 — INNER PEACE versus ANXIETY, FEAR and WORRY
Today inner peace seems to be non existent and anxiety, fear and worry very present in my mind. I know that for some reason I am choosing to be anxious and fearful and I do not know why. I have no obvious reason to be but am certainly feeling very much on edge.
BUT all is not lost because there ARE ways we can recover inner peace if we so desire. The first way is accept that we are feeling anxious by tuning into our Solar Plexus areas and allowing the feelings there to rise and fall. The second way is to discover WHAT EXACTLY IT IS that we don’t wish to face or accept. This we can do by listening to our thoughts and attempting to understand what we are wishing to avoid whether that be anger, fear, or disappointment. Or, indeed we may be anxious about taking our next step forward which I think is the situation in my case although I have no idea what it is, but I do feel that CHANGE IS INTHE AIR.
JOY, I believe is our essence — the quality which lies deep within us all and to help us sink beneath the fear and worry and reconnect to our joy it can sometimes help to have fun and to do what gives us joy or even what gave us joy as children like splashing in puddles or pretending we are aeroplanes! The one thing it would be inadvisable to do is to drown our sorrows in drink or drugs which will only cause us more anxiety, fear and worry and take us further away from INNER PEACE.
I will end with two opposing sayings: ‘LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT SO MAKE IT GREAT’ — ‘LIFE’S A BITCH AND THEN YOU DIE’. Sometimes ‘making it great’ entails accepting what you cannot change — refusing to worry or be anxious about it — being at peace with how things are and simply making the best of how things are until things change for the better.