19 November 2021 — SERENDIPITY
Serendipity is the occurrence or development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. For some reason I seem to be in a space where serendipitous occurrences keep happening.
One of these was coming out of a café just as a young man was passing and for some unknown reason we stopped and talked. I found the conversation uplifting and inspiring and it certainly broadened my perspective on life and raised my spirits. I am very unlikely to bump into him again as he was just visiting my city but I thank providence that I did bump into him.
Today another incident occurred when I was walking in a crowded road and a camera man and reporter from the BBC stopped me to ask me questions about climate change. I have no idea why they picked on me. The event was by chance but I’m not sure how happy or beneficial it was! Indeed my rational mind would have preferred it NOT to have happened but as it did I can only trust in the universe that in some way it will turn out to be serendipitous.
One lesson I have learned from this event, serendipitous or not, is that now it has happened I only have one option open to me and that is ‘To Go With The Flow’ as the Hippies might have said and funnily enough I had just come out of the HIPPY FLOWER Café!
The incident has also caused me to question if the discomfort I feel about it is because of not being in control. I did have the rational choice of saying ‘no’ to being filmed but feel that I was overwhelmed on an emotional level as the energy of both the reporter and camera man was very gentle and considerate and they did make me feel happy!
WHAT IS DONE IS DONE and lies in the past — the future is yet to come so I must go back to living in the future. The irony is that I don’t have a TV and will certainly not see the interview even if they do show it and the odds are that they won’t.
PONDER POINTS: On reading this I felt….. Serendipity is a concept I believe in because…..I feel serendipitous things have happened to me in the past when…