SOMETIMES. These words come of course from the song ‘I Never Promised You A Rose Garden’. At the moment in England we have had some lovely sunny days and then the rain comes but that’s England, and, the positive side of our inclement weather is of course the greenery.
The title words of this blog, are, of course applicable to LIFE itself.
As children living with disappointment it is not easy but that is indeed LIFE in all its fullness. As adults we learn to adapt to change — to the changing seasons, to change in our lives and moreover we learn to live with disappointment, or unfulfilled expectations.
We adapt to the changes whether we welcome them or resent them. We literally have no choice. And with regard to the Rose Garden in the song’s title without the rain it wouldn’t exist.
Balance is what is implied here — balance and acceptance and the understanding that all things change and when one is down at the bottom the only way is up.