2 March 2019 — Homeless People
It has become normal to see homeless people sitting on the side of the road today. It is something we all have to deal with. Some of us stop and talk, some of us stop and talk and give money,some of us give money as we pass by, some of us fetch food for them, some of us throw them a smile, some of us completely ignore them not because we don’t care but because we feel embarrassed.And some of us, perhaps judge them believing that people who sit and beg have caused their own situation, or, are simply begging to make some money when they are not indeed homeless.
I tend to stop and talk to homeless people even if I have no change to give (which is usually the case) because I feel so grateful that I have not ended up in their situation which I believe can happen to anyone. Some who sit and beg, I am informed by the homeless people themselves are not in need and have a home to go to.
Many of the homeless people to whom I talk, especially when I have no money to give them, inform me that they so very much appreciate my talking to and acknowledging them as it makes them feel they exist and are human. At the very least I believe that a smile costs nothing but means much to people who find themselves having to beg at the side of the street.
And I’ve also found that if they can help me in any way at all they are only too pleased to do so because it give them a little bit of self respect to be able to give back.
A pertinent question I feel we should be asking is, WHY in our relatively affluent society we are unable to house everyone. However, the title of my blogging site, is of course, The Point of Power is Now and just recently a homeless person to whom I had been talking for at least two years has now found himself a job. So he was eventually able to exercise his Point of Power.