2 May 2020 — True Meaning of Peace
‘The most important factor in maintaining peace within oneself, in the face of any difficulty is one’s mental attitude. …..
If one’s attitude is generally calm and gentle then even a hostile environment will have little effect on one’s own inner peace.” His Holiness the X1Vth Dalai Lama
Not an excuse then to say to someone else ‘you made me do/say that’. ‘I’m only angry because of what you said’. Or to say ‘I’m really worried about something and your actions don’t help’ etc. etc.
All anger, worry etc. is within us. We are unaffected by outside stimuli when we are AT PEACE WITHIN OURSELVES. And when we find ourselves hurting, resenting or disliking others reactions towards us it is because we are low in self esteem and are responding from a space of insecurity and unrest. We are defining ourselves from others’ opinions of us.
TO MAINTAIN INNER PEACE WITHIN US: TO ACT FROM THE POINT OF POWER, we need to allow others to have their opinion but to realise it is only their opinion and it is our choice whether or not we take it on board.