2 October 2023 — PEOPLE WHO CARE

Hopefully we all have someone in our lives who care for us as we care for them. This helps us to feel wanted and CARED FOR.

However, I am often surprised to discover how kind and caring strangers one passes in the street are and how often a stranger will stop to pass the time of day and enquire if I need any help as, of course it is obvious that I am an old lady even if I am a very active old lady which I am. At the moment, however, NOT AS ACTIVE AS I WAS a month or two ago due to illness.

In the past I have often said that I would give up the will to live if I could no longer walk the distance to places on the edge of the town to which I like to go. BUT, I haven’t given up the WILL TO LIVE: instead I have adapted to the fact that I can no longer walk very far under my own steam! I bear in mind, however, the fact that ‘things’ change and, of course, the pleasure I derive when strangers make contact and offer to help me. This, of course, never happened before when I WAS able to walk wherever I wished to.

ADAPTING is the key — ‘GOING WITH THE FLOW’ and accepting things as they are. And being GRATEFUL for how things are and for what I have in my life.

PONDER POINTS: on reading this I felt…my thoughts on reading this are …..

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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