2 September 2020 —HEART OVER HEAD
Today my ‘head’ is most certainly winning in the sense that I am finding things to be unhappy about and instead of embracing them and accepting that on some level I have chosen for these things to happen, I am resenting and resisting.
The Sri Sathya Sai Baba card I picked today reads: ‘the six enemies of the mind are: Desire, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Pride and Jealousy/Envy.’
The question, I perhaps need to ask is ‘To what am I attached?’ The answer is certainly NOT peace.
Yesterday’s blog was entitled PEACE and talked about making one’s own life peaceful. Today it is ATTACHMENT WHICH RULES my mind and in my case ATTACHMENT to being heard and acknowledged amongst other things.
I know that I can solve the problem simply by reminding myself that ‘I am the see-er only’ and NOT ‘the seen’ and then I can ALLOW MY HEART TO RULE MY HEART.