The most useful habit, is of course, the habit of loving and accepting all. But this way of being is often buried beneath the habit pattern of worry.

Worry about whether we have behaved towards others as we would have liked to have done so that they entertain kindly thoughts towards us. Worry that we have allowed ourselves to have been taken advantage of by others. Worry about practical things. And of course, we are coming to the end of a year which has been dominated by the CORONA 19 VIRUS and so what C. G. Jung called the Collective Unconscious has been submerged in the worry of illness and death.

An old song tells us that ‘Whatever Will Be Will Be, The Future’s Not Ours To See’. The implication here is to make the best of whatever we do have — to live in the moment and let the future take care of itself which is good advice. However, we create our future through our thoughts and actions in the moment.

AT THIS TIME OF YEAR we are presented with an opportunity to think of others and to give to them. We have the opportunity to give out of love. It is my experience, that once we give up the rational minds habitual tendency to take control and worry about ‘getting it right’ our INTUITIVE MINDS will kick in and we will just know what it is our friends/family would like if we wish to surprise them.

AND ONCE WE HAVE MADE A CHOICE we need to TRUST our instincts and lie back in the ‘armchair of the UNIVERSE AND ‘CHILL’. And if our surprise gifts from others are not quite to our liking we can but feel the energy behind the giving and accept the gift with love.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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