20 January 2019 —Driven by Fear?

Desire, is of course, the motivation for many of our thoughts and actions and don’t let us forget that what we think so we act and so we become. HOWEVER ONE UNIVERSAL DESIRE IS TO STAY SAFE even if our work puts us in situations where our safety is at risk.

The inspiration for the subject of this blog is because as an older person people are invariably concerned for my safety and are shocked to find me out on my own late at night.

My inner defence against this argument is, of course, that nothing untoward will happen to me because I do not expect it too and therefore do not exhibit fear. Bullies and people who hurt others invariably feed off the fear of the person they are attacking and thereby feel powerful.

INTUITION and INSTINCT also I feel, have a part to play in keeping us safe if we yield to it. Sometimes I rationally intend going a certain way only to find that my feet have taken me an alternative way. This, of course, is not provable but I have been aware that my intuition has often saved me the inconvenience of being held up due to diversions or broken swing bridges!

In summing up these thoughts I will refer to Einstein’s ‘Energy equals mass squared by the speed of light’ formula in order to point out that what we give out through the way we dress, think and act IS ENERGY and FEAR IS INDEED ENERGY — energy which ‘shouts’ out to others.

THE POINT OF POWER is ours when we live in the present moment without raking up the past which is gone, OR .thinking of/FEARING the future which is yet to come.

STAY SAFE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT through acting intuitively with love letting any anger or resentment stay where it belongs in the past. When the rational mind wishes to ‘get off’ on going over and over the past simply REFUSE to indulge it by bringing one’s energy from the head into the Solar plexus area, feeling our feelings there and seeing or thinking of things which bring us JOY.

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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