Many of us won’t find it too difficult to identify someone with whom they conflict because they hold opposing views; see thing in different ways or hold different values. OR, in colloquial terms ‘don’t see eye to eye with’.
Very often our exterior conflicts reflect our inner conflicts in the sense that what annoys us in the other person can be that which subconsciously annoys us in our ‘selves’ and we project our uncomfortable feelings on to the other person. Therefore whilst our chattering ‘monkey mind’ is going over and over the situation which has caused us conflict we are avoiding looking inward and taking responsibility for having attracted the situation.
Very often our reactions are subconsciously based on the fact that the person with whom we find it difficult to see ‘eye to eye’ reminds us of someone in our past whom we felt ‘put us down’ and was forever criticising us. And, consciously or subconsciously we have come to believe this negative view of ourselves so invariably, we automatically feel the need to defend ourselves and to ‘show’ them that we are important.
AND therein lies the rub — if we have need within ourselves to constantly prove to others that we are important and someone to be reckoned with this is also perhaps because there is a part of us who doesn’t believe that we are. Invariably people who have the need ‘to put others down’ or fail to treat others with respect are people who have no self worth.
I quote from Jane Roberts — The Nature of Personal Reality
’Be aware of the reality of your feelings. As you become more aware of your beliefs over a period of time you will see how they bring forth certain feelings automatically.
A man who is sure of himself is not angry at every slight done him, nor does he carry grudges.
A man who fears for his own worth, however, is furious under such conditions.
The free flow of your emotions will always lead you back to your conscious beliefs if you do not impede them.”
PONDER POINTS — People who get under my skin are people who …people tend not to ‘see eye to eye’ with are people who…